Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is "emotional lability" when it is given as a possible symptom of MS?

I can't find this in my dictionary, but a Dr. lecturing on MS used the term.What is "emotional lability" when it is given as a possible symptom of MS?
Emotional lability refers to the fact that people with MS can suffer tremendous swings in their emotions, such as switching from crying to laughing in a matter of seconds. In other words, there exists a possibility that a person with MS can become emotionally unstable at times.

If you ever want to look up a medical term, just type the word you need to know in your web browser preceded by the word define, and the meaning will pop up.

It simply astounds me that you college kids don't even know how to go about looking up a definition on the internet, which is something a kid in grade school should be able to do.

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