Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What percentage of the world do you think uses MS Office and OpenOffice respectively, and why?

I'm trying to decide which one to use - obviously OpenOffice is free, but MS Office is more familiar, I'm used to it....

In what percentage do you think the world is divided between the two - which one is used the most?

If someone sends me something in MS Word 2007 will I be able to view it in OpenOffice? And vice versa?What percentage of the world do you think uses MS Office and OpenOffice respectively, and why?
Of those who use and office program, probably 98% MS Office and 1.999% Open Office (there are a few others).

Why? Stupidity. Open Office can not only handle all the file types MS office can (so, yes, you can read and write MS Office files in OO), I've found spreadsheets (xls files) that Excel couldn't handle until I opened them inn Calc and resaved them. But some people would rather believe commercials and "instant experts" (people who have a simple answer immediately, even if it's completely wrong) than listen to people who actually know what they're talking about.

And, as in your case, people get MS Office for free (for a short time), so it's uncomfortable to switch gears to OO. (But try switching from MS Office 2003 to 2007. Switching to OO is easier.)

I have both installed. OO to use, and MS (2003 and 2007) to help people asking questions about them.What percentage of the world do you think uses MS Office and OpenOffice respectively, and why?
MS Office!

You can get MS Office free too!

MS Office

MS Office supports all formats

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