Saturday, February 25, 2012


what is MS?Ms??????????????
Hi Fae... MS is Multiple Sclerosis . My mom's friend has it. You usually get it when you are in 30s 40s or older... This webpage should help....鈥?/a>

Hope that Helped!!! : )
Multiple Sclerosis is NOT the same thing as Muscular Dystrophy

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my daddy has it and I miss him not being able to do as much! I need my daddy! Please donate to the ms society!

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i have ms and im only 22 another good site for info on ms is

Need anymore info please feel free to email me at

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I have MS Multiple Sclerosis. MS affecs the brain wiring is what i call it. It's your own immune system attacking itself. It attacks the myelin thats around the the wiring (nerves). Myelin is the covering of the copper wiring lets says. If the immune system attacks it will destroy the cooper

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My mother has Multiple sclerosis, it's hard on me.. :*(

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My mother has Multiple sclerosis, it's hard on me.. :*(

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Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the coatings of the nerves is affected. It is NOT the muscle-wasting disease notd by an earlier poster. She's wrong. She was thinking of muscular dystrophy.
Multiple Sclerosis - you can look this up on Google and get a lot of good information about it. Keep in mind though that there a lot of people out there who have this and there are many different stages of the disease. One of the most popular MS supporters in the celeb world is Montel Williams. He has MS and, as you can see, he is functioning well with it. You can read his story on the internet too by Googling Montel Williams and MS together.
multiple sclerosis
it's Multiple Sclurosis... It's a disease that slowly degenerates the muscles in your body.
miss yanni if ur nasty
The upper case versions of the 13th and 19th letters of the english alphabet.
In order to answer this question appropriatly we need more info or background! This could also mean masters in science among many other medical abrviations...from diseases to drugs.

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