Saturday, February 25, 2012

How important is it to know oracle and MS SQL Server?

I'm a Information System major and want to know if it's important to know Oracle and MS SQL Server ? If so, why and what books can u suggest?

Are they easy to learn?How important is it to know oracle and MS SQL Server?
It is important to at least know SQL to the bare minimum of how to formulate a query and do simple joins...relational databases are almost univerally used in applications these days and anyone intending to do anything significant in IT must know how to work with them. As to a specific DBMS such as Oracle or SQL Server, that's less can't hurt to have at least passing familiarity with the major ones, but it really depends on what your target company uses.How important is it to know oracle and MS SQL Server?
Learn SQL, the Structured Query Language used in all SQL based database systems.

You can start out with one of the database RMS, Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, etc. It doesn't really matter which unless you want to certify in one.

Once you learn the basics of SQL and how to administer an SQL DRMS, you'll know about 80% of all the SQL varieties. Then you can more easily pick up the differences between Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL.

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